ISLAMABAD, May 12 (APP): Pakistan has urged the international community, particularly the United Nations, to launch a program to help the people of Afghanistan by providing food, medical aid, and shelter.
As the Afghan people were already faced with a severe humanitarian crisis following the takeover of Taliban, the recent flash floods have worsened the situation.
The flash flooding in 12 different provinces of the war-torn country has directly affected over 485 families, destroyed hundreds of homes, damaged crops and killed 29 people.
In these testing times, Pakistan has come forward for providing timely relief to the people of Afghanistan amidst a difficult economic situation.
In this regard, the first batch of Pakistan’s relief assistance for flood-affected people reached Afghanistan on May 7, to be followed by more relief measures. The consignment includes a plane-load of food and shelter items.
Three days later on May 10, Pakistan dispatched another relief consignment for flood-affected areas and the people of Afghanistan.
Pakistan will continue to stand by its Afghan brethren through thick and thin.
As a neighbouring and brotherly country, Pakistan had and will continue to be at the forefront of efforts for the provision of humanitarian assistance for the Afghan people.
On the other hand, the international community should not forget Afghan people in this hour of need.
Pakistan has urged the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to intensify its efforts in assisting the affected Afghan people through the Afghan Humanitarian Trust Forum (AHTF) as floods could worsen the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.
It is appalling to see that the international community is still grappling with how to help the country of some 40 million people without benefiting the Taliban.
Afghanistan already faced with a severe humanitarian crisis direly needs support from international community. But contrarily, the world capitals at the moment are concerned only with the war in Ukraine while the challenges faced by the Afghans are all but forgotten.